DBMS takes a Whaly for Sea Trial

At DBMS, ensuring the safety, efficiency, and longevity of our equipment is essential to maintaining a successful rowing program. With our current fleet of aging Boston Whaler 13s nearing the end of their serviceable life, we’re considering transitioning to a new workhorse for our coach boats: the Whaly 435R. After a successful sea trial, we’re excited about the potential benefits of incorporating these rugged boats into our operations.

About the Whaly 435R

The Whaly 435R is a 14’3” polyethylene boat, specifically designed for intensive commercial use. Unlike traditional fiberglass hulls, the 435R’s double-walled construction and foam lining provide superior durability and impact resistance. These features make it particularly well-suited for high-contact environments like ours, where boats are often rafted together and subject to frequent wear.

Polyethylene, the primary material of the 435R, offers several advantages: it’s UV-resistant, abrasion-proof, and requires little to no maintenance compared to fiberglass. This rugged design aligns perfectly with our rowing program’s demands and reduces the operational costs of constant repairs and upkeep.

Why the Whaly 435R Stands Out

1. Uniform Fleet: Transitioning to a fleet of identical Whaly 435Rs simplifies operations. Coaches will only need to learn the handling and tying techniques for one model, and standardized spare parts (e.g., throttle and steering cables) streamline maintenance.

2. Safety Enhancements: The Whaly 435R is classified for “Class C” and “Class D” conditions, accommodating up to 10 people in sheltered waters. This capacity is critical for potential rescue scenarios, especially with the shift to larger rowing shells like 8+s. Boarding platforms and molded handles provide quick and secure access for man-overboard situations, while high freeboard and handholds enhance passenger stability.

3. Performance: Despite its robust build, the Whaly 435R offers excellent handling and speed. Paired with a 25 HP long-shaft engine, it can reach 20 knots, allowing coaches to efficiently follow and assist even the fastest rowing shells. Additionally, its pontoon-like transom minimizes wake, ensuring less disruption to rowers during training.

4. Visibility and Customization: Available in high-visibility colors, the Whaly 435R improves on-water safety by making it easier for land-based support and first responders to locate our coaches. Modular consoles and benches also enable customization, ensuring the boats meet the specific needs of our programs.

The Whaly 435R offers a durable, cost-effective, and safety-oriented solution for our rowing support fleet. With their rugged design, low-maintenance construction, and capacity for customization, these boats are well-positioned to support the evolving needs of our rowing program. By investing in these versatile vessels, DBMS is prioritizing safety, operational efficiency, and long-term sustainability for our coaches and participants.


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